Giving Back Because We CARE
Be a giver and help those in need in our Moses Lake, Washington community. We meet every Tuesday at 4:00pm, at the Immanuel Lutheran Church (1020 S. A Street), across from McCosh Park to make Care Sack lunches for those in need. You can give in so many other ways, make a financial donation or donate much needed supplies for local non-profits. Contact us!
Helping with Care Sacks is a tangible way I am able to care for people in need.
Joy is meant to be shared. It doesn’t reach its fullness until we include others in it.
I volunteer to help make Moses Lake a better place for all of us.
Do to others as you would have them do for you.
I give back to help others. Everyone can use a hand now and then.
I give because no one should go hungry.
I have a calling to give back. It makes me feel fulfilled knowing I’m making a difference for others.
Volunteering is not just a once and done…there are people who are getting hungry every day, and to meet that need, once a week is not much to ask.
You’ll never know how it feels to give back until you do it. And I am hooked!
I enjoy giving to pay it forward and lead by example. Do unto others as you would have them do for you.
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop
There are people in need in our community who need donors like you. You can help those in need by supporting local non-profits. A small gesture, a donation, large or small, can be the difference. Can you be the hero who steps up and makes a financial donation? Can you give so we can purchase a pair of boots? Provide snacks to local children? Can you or your business/organization sponsor a local fundraising event? You can even attend a live concert or show to support local non-profits.